இன்று சென்னையில் இன்ஃப்ளுயென்சா A (H1N1)-ஆல் ஒரு குழந்தை இறந்ததாகவும், இந்தியாவில் இதுவரை ஆறு பேர் இறந்துள்ளதாகவும் செய்திகள் வெளியாகியுள்ளன.
இன்ஃப்ளுயென்சா A (H1N1) பற்றி மருத்துவர் புருனோ மஸ்கரனாஸ் கிழக்கு மொட்டைமாடிக் கூட்டத்தில் (28 மே 2009 அன்று) விரிவாகப் பேசியிருந்தார். அதன் ஒலிப்பதிவை நான் அப்போதே தந்திருந்தேன்.
அதைக் கேட்கமுடியாமல் போனவர்கள் இங்கிருந்து பெற்றுக்கொள்ளலாம்.
பதற்றம் அடையவேண்டிய அவசியம் இல்லை என்றாலும், நாம் அனைவரும் பாதுகாப்பாக இருக்கவேண்டிய தருணம் இது.
பயணத்தில் நாம் அடைவது என்ன?
14 hours ago
தேவையான நேரத்தில் அவசியமான மீள் பதிவு.
ReplyDeleteநன்றி பத்ரி.
இது நேற்று இந்து நாளிதழில் வந்த கட்டுரை
(The writer is Dean, Faculty of Medicine, University of Calicut)
Spend on health care first and then on disease care
We are not really afraid of typhoid, tuberculosis, leptospirosis, diabetes, HIV, malaria and a host of other infectious and non infectious diseases which are flourishing in our country. The apathy towards the basic issues in health care is really appalling. Why should we be afraid of swine flu alone? The medical profession is busy and happy treating diseases, confining to its own insulated and comfortable compartments. I happened to read with concern the comments made by some that we are not equipped to face the threat of swine flu, as if we are already well equipped to face the threat of all other communicable diseases; they go on to assert that the problems we face are due to lack of dedicated infectious disease departments and dearth of WHO-trained doctors in the medical colleges of Kerala.
A matter of approach
It is true that we need infectious disease units in each medical college, like the ones we already have; but the only problem is that we do not have an adequate number of doctors to spare to improve the services, to do research and surveillance.
The issue can be solved easily by posting a few more doctors for this purpose alone rather than hunting for WHO-trained doctors. Why not the existing system be made to tackle the problem by reorienting and reorganising than compartmentalising? In health care (no disease care), there is only doctor-oriented planning and implementation and no community-oriented planning.
A properly trained MBBS doctor or even an educated person with common sense and some training is more than enough to manage the threat of any public health issue.
The general medicine department of any medical college can easily tackle all these if they have a few more doctors and isolation wards.
We ignore health care and literally manufacture disease of all colour and shades, and finally we have a museum of all diseases. We have already become the diabetic capital of the world, and now we are trying to overtake Sub Saharan Africa to win the first place in the number of AIDS cases, malnutrition and environment-related infections, which produce more morbidity and mortality than swine flu.
The developed countries are worried since they have controlled all infections by proper waste management, safe drinking water and good nutrition for all and press the panic button the moment they come across any one of them.
They would have shown similar panic if typhoid, viral hepatitis, leptosirosis or TB occur in much lesser numbers than we see in India.
Why are we not similarly worried about these diseases which kill several thousands annually?
Let us not panic merely to show that we are also developed and evolved.
அதே கட்டுரை தொடர்ச்சி
ReplyDeleteThe basic issues
All communicable diseases are flourishing here because of lack of basic health amenities, malnutrition, poor environmental hygiene, unsafe drinking water, etc. People are now exposed to unchecked consumerist forces promoting lifestyle disorders with an even greater impact on us.
One more world environment day had passed — we behaved like the developed world by planting one or two trees here and there and having a talk on ozone layer and green house effect and that is it. We overlook environmental issues like poor waste management and unsafe drinking water everywhere.
We always ignore basic issues and go for knee-jerk reactions to appear big in front of developed countries. We need to do some homework and introspect and bring well-meaning leaders with a vision for the people on top of every system and make changes to achieve health and prosperity and then start panicking at problems like swine flu.
We must try to achieve good environmental hygiene and provide safe drinking water for everyone.
We must prioritise and spend on health care first and then on disease care.
Excellent. This is the most wanted podcast for general public like us, at the right time. Thanks and keep up the good work.
I would like to know one thing. Apart from those who succumb to H1N1 virus, some of them are treated and cured. Whether they are safe that the H1N1 Virus will not attack them again for life time or at least for a longer time? I have not read about this in any of the articles. If any one knows, please post here.